Message from the Head of the DEPARTMENT

Greetings! Basic sciences are the pillar of engineering and technology. Amongst all science departments, the department of physics plays an important role in the IIT system. At present we offer M.Sc. Physics, B.Tech. Engineering Physics (E.P.) and Ph.D. degrees. A number of broad spectrum and core elective courses are offered by our department in the curriculum and we teach three of those core physics courses to all the B.Tech. students. Our M.Sc. and E.P. curricula focus primarily on the fundamental and applied aspects of physics to foster novel innovative technologies and develop a new generation of physicists with real-time problem-solving skills. There is a range of vibrant research activities with the following research areas: condensed matter, soft matter, atomic-molecular-optical, quantum information & computation, plasma and high energy physics. Our colleagues have secured a number of external sponsored research projects and their work along with their Ph.D. students, has been published in reputed international journals. We have good technical support staff members who are skilled to maintain the teaching and research equipment. Regular ongoing national and international collaborations help our students and faculty members to exchange ideas through cutting-edge research. Besides research, we continue to strive for world-class teaching and prepare our students with the required knowledge and skills to face future challenges. We welcome you to join us in our exciting journey.

Dr. Rudra Sekhar Manna

HoD, Department of Physics


Department of Physics
IIT Tirupati 
INDIA - 517 619

© Department of Physics, IIT Tirupati - 517 619 (INDIA)