Dr. Vinay Pramod MAJETY

Assistant Professor

Education & Experience:

Ph.D.: Ludwig Maximilian university, Germany. 2015
M.Sc.: Sri Sathya Sai University, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2011
B.Sc.: Sri Sathya Sai University, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2009

Research Interests:                              

Atomic, molecular and Optical physics
Ultrafast quantum dynamics
Computational physics


Selected Publications


H Chundayil, A Scrinzi, VP Majety (2024) Single-photon and multi-photon Fano lines for helium and neon using tRecX-haCC, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 57, 225601.


H Chundayil, VP Majety, A Scrinzi (2024) The hybrid anti-symmetrized coupled channels method (haCC) for the tRecX code. Computer Physics Communications, 303, 109279.


MB Peters, VP Majety, A Emmanouilidou (2021) Triple ionization and frustrated triple ionization in triatomic molecules driven by intense laser fields. Physical Review A, 103(4), 043109.


L Mercadier, et. al., (2019) Evidence of extreme ultraviolet superfluorescence in xenon. Physical Review Letters, 123, 023201.


A. Benediktovitch, VP Majety, N Rohringer (2019) Quantum theory of superfluorescence based on two-point correlation functions, Physical Review A, 99, 013839.


1. Asish Swain

1. Hareesh C (Thesis defended 2025)


Department of Physics
IIT Tirupati 
INDIA - 517 619

© Department of Physics, IIT Tirupati - 517 619 (INDIA)