Dr. Kaushalya JHURIA

Assistant Professor

Education & Experience:

Berkeley Lab Affiliate (Non employee): Jan 2025 - till date
Postdoc: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. 2021-2024
Ph.D.: Institute Jean Lamour, CNRS Lab, France. 2018-2021
M.Sc.: Electronics.: Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India. 2016-2018
B.Sc.: Physics Hons.: Maitreyi College, University of Delhi, India. 2013-2016

Research Interests:                              

Quantum information science
THz Spintronics
Spin-photon qubits
Silicon based quantum emitters
Single photon sources and detectors
THz sources and detectors
Ultrafast Dynamics
Quantum Optics and Photonics


Selected Publications


Kaushalya Jhuria, Vsevolod Ivanov, Debanjan Polley, Wei Liu, Arun Persaud, Yertay Zhiyenbayev, Walid Redjem, Wayesh Qarony, Prabin Parajuli, Qing Ji, Anthony Gonsalves, Jefferey Bokor, Liang Tan, Boubacar Kanté, and Thomas Schenkel, “Programmable quantum emitter formation in silicon”, Nat. Comm., 15, 4497 (2024).


Walid Redjem, Yertay Zhiyenbayev, Wayesh Qarony, Vsevolod Ivanov, Christos Papapanos, Wei Liu, Kaushalya Jhuria, Zakaria Al Balushi, Scott Dhuey, Adam Schwartzberg, Liang Tan, Thomas Schenkel, Boubacar Kanté, “All-silicon quantum light source by embedding an atomic emissive center in a nanophotonic cavity”, Nat. Comm., 14, 3321 (2023).


D. Polley, A. Pattabi, A. Rastogi, K. Jhuria, E. Diaz, H. Singh, A. Lemaitre, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon, J. Bokor, “Picosecond Spin-Orbit Torque Induced Coherent Magnetization Switching in a Ferromagne”t, arXiv:2211.08266. Sci. Adv.,9, 36, 5562(2023).


Johannes Engel, Kaushalya Jhuria, Debanjan Polley, Tobias Luhmann, Manuel Kuhrke, Wei Liu, Jeffrey Bokor, Thomas Schenkel, Ralf Wunderlich, “ Combining femtosecond laser annealing and shallow ion implantation for local color center creation in diamond”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 122, 234002 (2023).


Kaushalya Jhuria, Julius Hohlfeld, Akshay Pattabi, Elodie Martin, Aldo Ygnacio Arriola Córdova, Xinping Shi, Roberto Lo Conte, Sebastien Petit-Watelot, Juan Carlos Rojas-Sanchez, Gregory Malinowski, Stéphane Mangin, Aristide Lemaître, Michel Hehn, Jeffrey Bokor, Richard B. Wilson and Jon Gorchon, “Spin–orbit torque switching of a ferromagnet with picosecond electrical pulses” Nat. Electron., 3, 680–686 (2020).



Department of Physics
IIT Tirupati 
INDIA - 517 619

© Department of Physics, IIT Tirupati - 517 619 (INDIA)